nonprotein amino acid
- n.非蛋白氨基酸;非蛋白质氨基酸

Thiosulfinates are the best known biological active compound in garlic . It is produced by the interaction of nonprotein amino acid alliin with enzyme alliinase ( alliin lyase , EC ) .
β - Aminobutyric acid ( BABA ), a simple , nonprotein amino acid is a potential plant chemical inducers of resistance , which not only induces resistance against a large number of plant ( parasites ), but also synergizes with many other compounds .
nonprotein nitrogen
non-recurrent parent
nonreducing sugar
Non-renewable energy
nonsense code
Nonsense syllable
nonshivering thermogenesis
nonspecific immunity
non-specific inhibition
nonspecific urethritis
Non-Practicing Entities
non-potable water
non-permissive cell
Non-Performing Loan
non-perfect elastic collision
nonparametric estimation
non-operating state
non-operating assets
non-nutritive additive